Thursday, March 26, 2009

When Dani gets hold of handcuffs and a screwdriver, this is what happens....

That's right a BUTTERFLY!!!!! So Dani was at Camille Crandall's house and found a pair of handcuffs.... She started to play around with them and then saw a screwdriver.. Whooooo!!!!! So she put the screwdriver in the middle and made a BUTTERFLY!!!! Hooray!!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Where we get our Weirdness

Kay so we finally decided we should post where we get out weirdness..... Yes where... Well the answer is...Drum roll please!!!.... Hanna!!! Whoooooo!!! Yes Dani's older sister Hanna!!! Yeah a few stories about her are.....

1st: So Hanna was cleaning her dad's car to get some mulah!!! ($$$$$$$$) So, she had her daddy's keys...... Let's hope she doesn't do anything stupid. So her daddy goes "Dani, Rachael, and Hanna I need you guys to go down to the Baers and give them back their movie". So we go right? And Hanna still has the keys......... Not very good. She goes "Look!!!! Keys!!!! And a pocket knife!!!!!!!! Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhh here's the best part....... A THUMB DRIVE!!!!! That means i can drive, kill people, AND upload things to a computer!!!!!!!!!!" OMGosh I don't know what her problem is but...... I don't know if I WANT to know-ifyouknowwhatimsayin-Butttttttttttttttt............... It's rubbed off on us.

2nd: Soooooooooooooo.................. We just got done eating a BUNCH of brownies and homemade icecream. Mmmmmmmm. (And for those idiots *Garrett Montierth* that don't know what mmmmmmmmmmm means *Garrett Montierth* it means yummy *Garrett Montierth*) So we were laying down in the grass trying to get that sick feeling to go away. Sooooooo... Hanna just randomly skips up to us and says REALLY fast "Hey! You guys wanna ride Maranda's bike?? I can peg 3 people!! who cares if we brake it?? Come on!!!" And skips over to the garage. So we just look at eachother with that look that says "Do you have ANY idea what just happened??" and then Hanna comes back with Maranda's bike. By the way..... Maranda is 9. yup, thats right folks, 9. Not even a decade. Soooooooo we are going to fit 2 12-year-olds and a 15-year-old on Dani's little sister's bike...... And the saddest part is that Maranda is off in California right now and has no idea whatsoever what the heck we are doing. Poor Maranda :'(. She'll live. So yeah we get on the bike and Hanna's peddaling and Rachael's on the back and Dani's on the front. So after riding for like............ Um............ 30 sec... Hanna says "My thighs are burning!!!! Is this what it feels like when a fat kid rides a bike??" And Rachael goes "well, Dani would know..." and Hanna goes "Rachael!! Don't encourage her!!" And Rachael goes well sorry!!! I was just kidding!!" OMGosh

Well... Ya. We have BOTH known Hanna all our lives and know like a buttload of stories...... But there's NO WAY we can type them all. Sorry.

*(Written by Rachael) Oh and if you were wondering about the bread thing...... We were eating lunch, and I was cutting the bread and Dani gets this shocked mesmorized look on her face and goes "You know how to cut BREAD??" And I gave her the weirdest look cause she's retarded (But we still love her) And I was like "ya. I know how to cut bread." And she goes "i always have to have my MOM do it for me!!!" Wow. That's pretty sad.

Gum Chewing Contest

Okay so we were at the store last night at like 9 and we saw these GIANT packs of bubble gum so we grabbed 1 for each of us but Hanna wouldn't let us get both so we only got 1...... But that was more then enough. Hahaha this is what it turned out like. Hanna's phone wouldn't let us do a video for more then like 30 seconds so it's like all split up but just deal with it.

*(Written by Dani) Hahahaha by the way when we were at the store I found a scrubby thing that you use in the bath or shower or watever and i said REAL loud "Old ladies sit down and knit these!" and the check out lady started laughing at me and she prolly thought that I was like mentally challenged (Which I kinda am jk lol) So then I decided to just be cool but then Rachael just HAD to yell "LOOK!!! HONEY SUCKLES!!!!!!" Wow. I'm beginning to think that we are mentally challenged. Please say I'm wrong...........

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Orange Squeezing

So Mi Mama asked Rachael and I to help squeeze oranges..... Yep! Oranges... So Rachael was cutting the oranges for me to squeeze... And decided to make a smiley-sorta-face... With half oranges and a knife..... Ya. She's pretty weird. Yep. Pretty weird. At least she knows how to cut bread....... (Inside thing that will prolly be posted later ;))

Blonde Moments......

So we were bored..... And were told *Jeneum* by someone *Jeneum* that will remain nameless *Jeneum* that we were really weird and we should like have our own show. Well, we decided that the closest we could get was a blog...... Where we can post HILARIOUS stories and videos. SOOOOOOOOO............ That's what we're doing. Yep. That's pretty much it. Yep.......